March 05, 2008

Science Fair

It has finally come. I hated science fairs when I was in high school and now I am doing science fairs with K. She was really excited about it so I bit my lip and went with the flow. She did everything...almost. Her ideas was to find the most effective way to pop popcorn. Her conclusion was that oil popped popcorn the best, leaving few kernels unpopped, however, if you weren't careful you could potentially burn your popcorn. The air popper was quicker and more desirable with lots of kernels unpopped. K definitely learned something and that's what science fair is all about. Learning.


ishybeanie said...

how fun, it looks so neat, I prefer oil popcorn it just taste better. but nothing smells worse than burnt popcorn.

Kristi said...

Oh what a fun project! I will cry when I have to do a science fair, I never did one and really never want to!

Veronica said...

What a fun idea! I actually LOVED science fair when I was in school and can't wait for my kids' projects! I'm such a geek that way.

Bubbles said...

I hated doing the science projects too! Science class was never my thing. I'm dreading when my kids have to do a science project for school, but like you I will have to "pretend" to be excited about it.

Joey and Nettifer said...

I have the best science project and I wont first place when I was in Jr high and I did it the night before and I proved that water has "skin". Yep poured water in a glass and floated pins on it. Easiest A ever. My friends were bugged with me. Do that one next time. Sure to win!
Way to go Kennidy!

The topiary is so easy. it is a flower punch and then you stick it in a styrofoam topiary with straight pins. It is just time. that all. I am going to try and make one for every season! I will post a picture of the punch so you can see what is looks like

Elizabeth said...

Oooo, science projects! Yuck! I didn't like them either. My mom was very vocal about not caring for them either, though. lol I'm glad she had fun with it. :) My, she has grown! Remember that one time at BYU and you happened to wrap some gifts for me at the bookstore? And you said that Abby was babysitting her, so after that, I went over to see Abby since she lived across the street from me at the time, to check out K. I think that was the only/last time I saw her. She was a baby then! All your kids are adorable too. :)

Looks like you have a nice house in the pic. :) Your wall color looks like the color I painted our entry way and dinning room.

We live in Raleigh. The church building by the Raleigh Temple is our Stake Center. It takes about 20-30 mins to get there, but we're hoping to sell our house and move closer to that area mainly so we can be closer to Brandon's work, but then we'd also be like 5-10 minutes away from the temple as well. :)

Guinevere said...

Way to go K! Science fairs rock. Way to go mom the board looks great!

Jylaire said...

She is so big! I'm not looking forward to the days of science fairs! All I know is that I like theater popcorn best! The more butter and salt, the better!

Heather said...

Tell Kennidy that she's not the only one. Afton did a science fair project earlier this year. She showed how water moves up and down the stems of plants. We used a carnation, daisy and rose to see which one soaks up the water fastest. 1. carnation, 2. daisy,
3. rose. It was great fun. Although, I think I'll try the menthos and the coke for myself just for the hay of it! Cheers, Kennidy! Afton says hello!
Heather S.

Bellblogging said...

Yikes! That science stuff scares me! Hopefully Jamon will take over on those projects. Cute idea, way to go!