October 08, 2008

Lazy Mondays

Oh how I love Mondays. After our busy weekends it's always nice to have nothing on the calendar. Today I finished Anne of Green Gables and let F play the Xbox. I know I am probably neglecting him but he was seriously in high heaven. We did laundry and just hung out. It was so nice to just relax.


ishybeanie said...

i love anne of green gables, i could watch it over and over, i have never read it though

Veronica said...

I LOVE those books! Sounds like a perfect day!

Darcy said...

I've never read the books, but I've seen the movies a HUNDRED times. A fiesty girl after my own heart. I so want to go to Nova Scotia one day! Maybe I will see White Way Delight, and the Lake of Shining Waters. The 3rd movie is awful, though. It wasn't the same "tone" as the others. I wonder if the book feels the same way??