June 05, 2009

Claire de Lune

My mom called me today and wanted me to post K playing the piano.  So I tried 4 times and it wouldn't download.  I'll have to try something else tomorrow.  Sorry, Mom.  But I won't give up yet.

The last day of school was...short.  The kids got ready in record time...they didn't have to make their lunches and were up at 6:30.  Then after scriptures we headed out the door.  We thanked each teacher for all her hard work this year and then F and I were off.  

By the time we got back to the school for A's classroom awards, the entire school was out sighning yearbooks.  It was crazy.  I was mobbed.  I thought 'My kids must be popular so their friends want my autograph.'  And then one little girl asked me to sign by my picture in her yearbook!  'Huh?' I told her I wasn't in the yearbook and she let out a disappointed sigh (she let me sign it anyway).  Half the kids were my kids' friends but the other half thought I was a teacher. Oh how funny!  A's teacher was super cute, as always.  She had 'candy bar' awards for each of her students.  So cute.  We all laughed and clapped.  

At 12:27 it started raining.  Then 2 min. later the hail came.  I jumping in the car and went to pick them up from the bus stop.  I am so grateful for garages.  I don't like getting wet unvoluntarily.  Now they're all home for the entire summer.  Let the fun begin.

I started the fun with taking Lisa J.'s 'points' idea from last summer.  I made my charts and posted them on the corkboard.  I am so excited.  The kids less so but maybe they'll get excited after they understand what it's all about.  Thanks, Lisa.  You seriously have the best ideas.


Anonymous said...

Staci, tell me about this thing you do in the summer with your kids.... Mat just has this week and I need help for summer stuff!

Dru3055 said...

Staci, guess I don't have your current email address.... if you can, email the summer info, please?!