January 28, 2010

Snow Much Fun

I was suppose to go snowboarding with Kennidy and Adam today but was 'grounded'. I have been sick and my loving husband didn't want me to get any sicker so I stayed home. And my good friend, Paula, called and asked Ford and I to go sledding. Yeah! She said, 'Bring your snowboard.' So I did. She had a small one Ford tried out. And he was AMAZING! He went down that little hill like a pro. Thanks, Paula, for the pics. I just love them! Ford, you amaze me with your natural abilities!


Audrey said...

Those are great pictures!

Kat & Joe said...

I wish i had ford's natural abilities. Looks so fun!

Miles and Bex said...

Good job Ford on the snowboarding. I think he does better than me! I hope you get feeling better!

Unknown said...

oh, my gosh, so sweet!

Miles and Bex said...

So I found a blog that I know you will totally love. You will have so much fun using all of your power tools. Let me know what you think. It is http://knockoffwood.blogspot.com/