August 17, 2008

Temple Dress and Zucchini Bread

Oh the joys of sewing! I have been working on my temple dress for the past...few months. It's not difficult but the instructions aren't detailed like Simplicity or McCall patterns. I found my pattern on the 'Regency' website. On this website, they have dresses from the 'regency' era. You know that era...'Emma', 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Becoming Jane', etc. I have always loved these dresses. Making on is another story!

I cut my pattern out, pinned it to the fabric, cut the fabric, and sewed it all together. I had to sew the sleeves on 5 different times, the skirt back 2 different times, change the pleats in the front 3 times, unpleat the front 1 time, unstitch the entire front of the dress 2 times, change the angle of the bodice 3 times, sew on hooks, hem sleeves and the bottom 1 time. I was so close to throwing this dress out today. What a nightmare. that it's done...I really love it. My favorite part is the back. I heart it. Now Brandon and I can go to the temple completely outfitted. I am embarrassed that it has taken me so long to finish this dress but I am so happy that it's done and that I didn't give up.

While I was busy working on my dress with Shana, thank you a million times over, K wanted to make zucchini bread with the fresh zucchini Jenni gave us. She got all the ingredients out and mixed it all together. While she was waiting for me to help her with the next steps Rhonda came with her own famous homemade zucchini bread and a huge bag of Jelly Bellies. She'd gone to Monterey, Ca and had visited the Jelly Belly Factory. I told her to send me a postcard and she gave us goodies instead. Thanks, Rhonda. These we much better than a postcard.

Anywho...K's recipe was yummy too. Nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, and brown sugar in a yummy zucchini bread was so tasty. Thanks, K! I think K and I ate most of all three loaves of zucchini bread. Y-U-M.

1 comment:

Joey and Nettifer said...

yeah to get your dress done. I can't wait to see a picture of it. Wait can you show your temple dress? Way to go on finishing it.