part of me wishes i had a south facing or even east or west facing house. so in the winter when it snows the sun will melt it away and i won't have to shovel it as often...but then part of me loves that i have a north facing house because my tulips come in later and stay longer. so for now i am happy with my house. until winter. these are my tulips. this is the first year i have ever planted tulips and seen them come in. i love them. there is only one thing that bothers me. the red ones in the back are shorter than the yellow ones in the front. how did this happen! there was no warning on the bag that said short or tall tulips that i can remember. but i love them just the same. the are so pretty. i can't wait till the fall...i am going to plant more in the front and a ton in the backyard. my mother in law gave me a daisy plant that i am planting tonight and look forward to watching the TALL daisies grow in the backyard. i want them to take over back there. i love flowers that are independant!
April 30, 2007
April 29, 2007
Cereal Boxes
April 28, 2007
Happy Anniversary!
yesterday was mine and b's anniversary. and to celebrate we went to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at the capital theatre. it was so funny...a little crued but funny. we laughed so hard. i am so glad we saw it. for dinner we were suppose to go to olive garden but by the time we got downtown we only had 45min. so we ended up at pier 49 pizza. it was good...i ordered a chef salad because one mention of olive garden i start to crave their salads. i love them. anyway...the salad was GINORMOUS! so many toppings: ham, pepperoni, green peppers, olives, mushrooms, red onions, mozerella cheese, tomatoes, crutons...oh so yummy. well we enjoyed talking to eachother without being interupted and not having to share our food. it was great. i love going out with b....and what i like is that we can act like adults and dress like adults. it was nice. 11 years down...eternity to go.
April 26, 2007
Never Let the Fear of Striking Out Keep You From Playing the Game
April 25, 2007
Batter Up
April 24, 2007

m playing her 'twinkles'. MISSISSIPPI STOP STOP, HOP BUNNY HOP, and ELEVATOR OPERATOR. she is so stinkin cute!
Sleepers and Water
i have gotten up to 5 1/2 bottles of water! i am so excited. i should be drinking 6 but i can't seem to get there. yesterday was the day and i was thrilled. today...not past one! sad. but i will keep trying. i have to drink lots before i hit the gym tonight. they say you should hydrate before working out not during. that's what i do. bad. but now i know.
April 23, 2007
Candy Apples
i love candy apples. it's gooey, chewy, sticky-ness make my mouth water at the sight! we made candy apples for dessert on saturday night. m said, 'this is a party'. i told b that for halloween we need to make these again. and drizzle chocolate over the caramel and then roll it in nuts! YUMMY! i can't wait. the kids really had fun with the caramel. a and k made braces with theirs and m didn't want to eat it cause it was too sticky. f took really little bites but i think it was way too sticky for his taste too.
April 21, 2007
April 18, 2007
My Poor Tulips
ps. check out my craft center link. i finished my curtains!
April 15, 2007
Dance Recital
April 13, 2007
we will be doing BODY PUMP and BODY COMBAT!
we have scheduled to go m-th, and sat. somedays we will go to classes and other nights we hit the cardio machines. i am so excited to have gb's that are as dedicated and excited to see the lbs. fall off. it's too bad they literally don't fall chunks.April 11, 2007
Spring Photos
i love updating my kids pics every year.
so here they are.