We love Christmas time. We love decorating the house, cutting down the tree, drinking hot chocolate, eating goodies, wrapping presents, listening to Christmas music...the list goes on and on.
We spent Christmas in Utah amongst family and friends. We planned on leaving Friday the 19th. We had 100mph winds the night before and at 6:30 am we get a call from the elementary school saying that 'School has been canceled because there is no power in the building.' The kids were so sad. No school Christmas Parties. I was sad for them. Brandon and I took the car into Big O before our trip and came home to pack. After lunch and packing everything we could think of...we were off. 10 hours later we were in snowy Utah.
Saturday was spent getting my hair done, shopping, attending the Salt Lake Temple, and dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory. And after waiting for an hour and a half...we were seated and eating yummy salad and sour dough bread.
Sunday was Lyn's 60th birthday. We went to sacrament and enjoyed Christmas music by Rachel and Lyn's choir, took family pictures at the city building, and came home to a party that evening.
Monday was more shopping and dinner with Che and Jessica. You girls crack me up and it was soooo good to see you both. I love you.
Tuesday was snowboarding! Oh I had so much fun. I managed to pull a muscle but it was worth it. I can't wait to go again next Friday!
Wednesday was Christmas Eve Cookies with Grandma Creswell.

Christmas Eve Family Program complete with the Nativity acted out by the kids.

Kathryn's majoring in Recreational Management and taught us some really fun games. 'Picky, Fisty, Flatty, Cutty, Claws' was a favorite for everyone.
We also learned 'The Name Game' (aka the Blanket Game) where you have 2 chair facing eachother and a blanket hanging in front of them. With each team behind their chair...you pick who is going to sit in the chair. Without the other team seeing who it is the blanket drops and each team names the person sitting in the chair. Talk about delayed reaction! SO fun. We also played a game where each player takes a piece of Tape about 4 inches long and forming a circle with the sticky side out placing it on their nose. Then they pick a partner and put their heads together, literally, and see who walks away with the other persons tape. You continue until only one person is left with EVERYONES tape. Hilarious game! Next was a Sock game. Everyone sits in a circle and when the leader says 'Go' everyone tries to take off eachothers socks. The object of the game is to keep your socks on. Wrestling is involved. And the last...which is by far the most frustrating and entertaining...was a game involving a chef's hat, apron, oven mitts, 2 butter knives, a set of dice, and a candy bar. The object of the game is to roll the dice and get a double. Where upon you quickly get dressed in the hat, apron, mitts, and knives in hand, and cut the candy bar (with the wrapper still on it) into bite size pieces and eat them. The frustration comes by other players rolling doubles after you've gotten just the hat on...or hat, apron, and mitts on. Everyone's in a circle and rolling the dice as quickly as they can so they can eat the candy bar. So funny to watch!

Thursday was Christmas! The kids woke early, Grandpa Creswell took his traditional Christmas morning shower, the men moved Grandma Creswell's grand piano, and Brandon handed out presents one at a time. Some of us were hopeful that the opening of presents wouldn't last too long because of the number under the tree...but by Christmas Eve there was no such hope. The tree was bombarded with presents. The kids got tons of presents but my favorite were the homemade ones. They were really special. Brandon made K pajama bottoms. I made A a Lego Star Wars Wall Art. K made M and baby blanket, F a water bottle action figure, and A a Volcano fact book. A made Brandon a t-shirt that says 'My Favorite Dad'. M painted me some Christmas Ornaments. And F made M a beautiful bracelet. Brandon got me a new ring! I love it. And I got him a Blue Ray DVD Player. Santa got the kids a Wii with an Indiana Jones Lego game and Mario Cart.

One of the fun things about his Christmas was having a baby in the family. Joseph and Kathryn had baby Shad in November and he was so much fun to play with and hold. M couldn't get enough of him. She was seriously holding him 10 hours a day. She loves him so much. Joseph and Kathryn were really tired one day and so we took Shad so they could sleep. We remember not sleeping with a new baby in the house. We had so much fun with him.
Friday was shopping and out to Emilie's work to hang out. The treats we pigged out on last year...were not FREE this year. We had to pay for them. Good thing we ate lunch before we came. Kathryn taught us a fun game on the pool table and I felt pretty good about myself as I beat her in Ping Pong. This isn't saying much because neither of us are very good. But I still had fun. Leah, Brandon, and I tried to hit a movie late Friday night but no one was home to watch the kids. Guess we'll have to head home Sunday. So we planned to go to the movies Saturday night. We got to the Gateway and they only had one seat left. Bummer. Guess we'll have to head home Monday afternoon.
Saturday was...can't remember...lunch at Panda Express with Tatianna and Asher then bowling with Rachel's brother's family. Fun time. The kids beat all the adults except Aunt Arlene. Next time I'm using the bumpers!
Sunday was church. I saw Sally Alley and chatted for a bit. Leah sang a beautiful 'O Divine Redeemer' that brought me to tears. Movies, treats, and a yummy dinner by Emilie. Complete with her homemade rolls. Thanks, Em!
Monday Leah and I went early to play racquette ball. So fun. I love you, Leah. Thanks for making me workout! And then it was time for a quick shower and head home. We were going to stay for the movie but Brandon and I hate to drive in the dark. It was about 6:30 by the time we got home. We ate dinner, opened presents, and went to bed.
This was a really great holiday. We got so many letters and pictures from friends and family in the mail...one of our favorite things during the season... Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Sanchez for all the wonderful gifts you sent us. We are so blessed to have you as part of our family. And thanks to Lyn and Rachel for letting us come for Christmas. We had so much fun with everyone.