September 27, 2009
Tender Mercies

September 24, 2009
The 'Sick' Insight
Happy Birthday, Brandon!

'A' is for Alligator


Dayton High School Football

Makinley's First Tooth

September 16, 2009
September 15, 2009
Senior Year Tag!
1. Did you date someone from your school? Okay so I was brought up to date around. Not Sleep Around. So I dated my share of guys in my high school and out. The ones out of my high school always seemed to be the keeper type, though. Really good guys!
2. Did you marry someone from your high school? Well, he went 2 years to my high school then moved away. So I never went to school WITH him.
3. Did you car pool to school? Yes and No.
4. What kind of car did you have? Occassionally, I was priviledged to drive our big honkin' light blue and white van.
5. What kind of car do you have now? I have a Dodge Grand Minivan that I didn't actually want. But now that we've had it for 7 years and it's paid off, I can't get rid of it. My kids keep saying, 'Mom, you need a new car!' But really, I don't want a car payment. Let me be happy with NO CAR PAYMENT! On either one of our cars! No that's freedom!
6. Its Saturday night...where are you now? relaxing, watching a movie with my sexy husband.
7. It is Saturday night...where were you then? Senior year? On a date. Staying out way past my curfew but could you blame me? My curfew was 9:30!
8. What kind of job did you have in high school? Waitress.
9. What kind of job do you do now? I have the best job. I am a stay at home mom of 4 beautiful children. I have a million and one responsibilities and how I handle it all is amazing to me sometimes.
10. Were you a party animal? I wanted to be...I think deep down I was but all the party animals were into drinking and that's not my scene.
11. Were you considered a flirt? Yes
12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Yes. I played the flute my freshman year then went to the french horn my sophmore year...then quite band.
13. Were you a nerd? No.
14. Did you get suspended or expelled? No
15. Can you sing the fight song? Did we even have one?
16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)? Our Physics teacher, Mr. Hamorsky and Mrs. Bazmore my 11th grade English teacher. I liked my Graphic Arts teacher...but I can't remember his name right now.
17. Where did you sit during lunch? Outside mostly. On nice days.
18. What was your school's full name? Oxon Hill
19. Did you like High School? It was okay. Didn't hate it. Wouldn't do that school again. Change is always good.
20. What was your school mascot? Clipper (it's a ship)
21. If you could go back and do it again, would you? No. I think I am the only person on the planet that would do Jr. High over again.
22. Did you have fun at Prom? I felt my prom was over-rated.
23. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with? No.
24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion? I've never been invited to ANY of my reunions. I don't know whether our class officers just don't do it or they just don't know where to find me. Either way I'm good.
25. Do you still talk to people from school? No. I really didn't have super close friends and I am terrible at keeping in touch.
26. School Colors? Black, Gold, White
Anyone who wants to do this...is tagged!
September 08, 2009
First Day of Preschool
Labor Day Weekend

September 01, 2009
I have to say that I love the women that Kendra and I visit each month. There have been many times when I have learned from them as we’ve gone to share a message in their homes. I value their friendship and hope that I give them a little something in return. I am so grateful for the VTing program. It forces me out of my comfort zone and I have the great opportunity to become friends with such wonderful women. I hope they know how truly loved they are not only by me and Kendra but by their Father in Heaven. We can’t fully comprehend the measure of his love but when we step back and take a closer look at our blessings...we can catch a glimpse of that love.
Fall Schedule
Kennidy Monday - Piano @ 3:50
Tuesday - Soccer Practice 5:30
Wednesday - Activity Days @ 3:30
Thursday - Soccer Practice 5:30
Friday - FREE DAY
Adam Wednesday - Cub Scouts 3:30
Friday - FREE DAY
Makinley Wednesday - Piano @ 3:30
Friday - FREE DAY
Ford Tuesday - Preschool @ 9
Thursday - Preschool @ 9
Friday - FREE DAY
Brandon Tuesday - YM @ 7pm, Temple Trips, Service Projects
Thursday - Round Table (once a month)
Friday/Saturday - the occasional Youth Dance, Scout
Training, Campouts
Staci You don’t even want to go there! I’d like to take more
pictures, though.
I can’t complain about this years schedule. I do have a lot of running around that you don’t see on this schedule but I only have one child in fall sports and that is GREAT! Spring sports will be insane. I can live with this schedule. Jenni and I have figured out our carpool for soccer since Oakley and Kennidy will be on the same team! Hurray for friends. I really think this fall will be cake compared to previous years! So let the games begin.
Stake Conference
The Adult session of conference was Saturday night. We decided to take the opportunity to go out to dinner with friends beforehand. I love eating at Reds! But I don’t think I will ever get the Trout or the Flat Iron steak again. It’s always good to try new things anyway.
The Adult session was really good. The talks were ‘Protecting our Children from Pronography’, ‘Holding a Current Temple Recommend’, and ‘Temple Worship’.
Sunday’s session was just as good. ‘Obedience’, ‘Missionary Work’, ‘Getting Through the Storms in Life’, and our stake president ended with a plan for happiness. He touched on 3 things he invited us to try, if we weren’t already. 1. Don’t Be Grouchy 2. Smile 3. Say Thank You
I love feeling uplifted and edified by these mtgs. I am so blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There are so many reasons to be happy in this life.

Paula helped so much with pulling the kayak off my van and onto the beach. I really wasn’t that much help with my back. But by the time we got back from our little excursion I could actually bend down and pick up Ford’s shoes. I was so excited! I told Paula that I needed to do this everyday so my back could feel this great all the time.
Thanks, Paula! You’re the best. Ford and I had a great time! Let’s go next week for our preschool field trip!
Back Pains
For the last week I have been having a ton of pain in my lower back. So I called my friend, Tiffany, to come over and fix me. Towards the end of our massage session she says, ‘You my friend are very tight.’ And she wasn’t just talking about my lower back. It’s hard for me to totally relax when someone is giving me a massage. I don’t know what it is...I just can’t completely relax. Anyway...she warned me about the possibility of bruising but I think it was worth it. I hope I can still go kayaking tomorrow with Paula. I really don’t want to cancel. So we’ll see how I feel in the morning. Tiffany told me to stretch really good tonight and drink at least one glass of water. So I stretched and drank 2 glasses of water. I really hope this is just a pulled muscle.
Bear Patch
The boys enjoyed racing wooden boats tonight. They had a blast. Cub Scouts is so much fun!
First Day of School
*I have to say that I don’t like the lack of organization in these two schools. It may work for the staff but as a parent it’s an organizational nightmare. Whatever happened to going into the classroom and meeting the teacher first? First day of school is killing me!
I got the kids off and then Ford and I didn’t really know what to do with ourselves. So much freedom! So we went home. Clean the house. Take a shower. Presidency mtg. at 11. Lunch. Tennis at 1:00. Pick up Kennidy at 2. Adam and Makinley at 3:15. Piano lesson at 3:50. Share the days happenings. Dinner. Bedtime. The end of the day.
Back to school and schedules. I just love it all. But it does make me long for longer summer days.